Nick's Feedback


"This endorsement was unanimous, hard earned, carefully considered and well deserved. 
The endorsement also represent much more than just a name on a press release or in
an email. Our members that made these endorsements understand that this year, more
than ever, we must back them up with boots on the ground and votes in the voting booth.”

"Sen. Scutari will ensure that New Jersey will be on the right
track for equality and our arc of justice will bend more quickly."



"New Jersey is poised to lead the nation forward by championing a
united progressive agenda that puts working people first, and our
endorsement of Sen. Scutari affirms our commitment to this goal."

"We can always count on Sen. Scutrari to work to restore access to
life-saving cancer screenings, birth control, breast health services, prevention
and treatment of STDs, and health counseling and information." 


"We proudly endorse Sen. Scutari for his commitment commitment
to protecting New Jersey's water, air, and open spaces."